About Us
Imagine this. . .
You go to your local bookstore and begin to browse, but something is wrong. The titles sound odd. You begin to read and the situations described in the books are hard to understand-they’re from another country. None of the books are written by local authors, people who know and understand the culture you live in and the issues you face.
That’s what happens time after time throughout Asia, Africa, East/Central Europe, and Latin America. In many countries, fewer than 10 percent of Christian materials on the shelves in Christian bookstores are from local writers.
Readers are searching for something that speaks to their lives, their needs and their joys. But it’s not there.

This is where MAI steps alongside.
People yearn for words of hope in times of war, political turmoil and economic instability. Even where the Church is booming, too often a lack of homegrown literature hinders its strength and maturity. In many countries less than 5 percent of Christian books available are penned by local authors. Hungry readers search in vain for material that speaks to their hearts, minds and daily needs. To combat this famine, MAI equips men and women to create life-changing books and articles in their heart language. You can help us feed the minds and souls of believers around the world.
The power of the written word to transform lives and nourish believers shines in the world’s difficult places. The potential impact is huge where readers are most hungry for hope and encouragement. We invest in people who may struggle with hostile politics, volatile economies and the desolation of war. We focus on countries with few Christians and little publishing activity. Since our founding in 1985, MAI has led 450 training programs in 90 countries on 5 continents with 10,000 people equipped. We have seen budding writers developed, publishing houses grown, periodicals launched and books produced. We celebrate as God strengthens the Church and draws hungry readers to Christ with the written word.
MAI training is tailored to meet specific local needs. Our global network of professional trainers enables culturally relevant training. For example, an editor from Singapore teaches women in a closed country of Asia how to publish a magazine. The fledgling nation of South Sudan launches its first Christian publishing house, mentored by a Kenyan publisher and other African authors. A Jordanian ministry leader publishes her first book for women, trained by Middle Eastern publishers and international authors.How We Equip and Nurture
We customize on-site training and consulting for every stage of the publishing process led by talented professionals
Our world conference for all Christians in publishing, held every three years
Local Ownership
We equip talented professionals to pass on their skills, building local ownership
Our publications offer practical advice and wisdom by and for wordsmiths worldwide
Free monthly webinars led by expert trainers from around the globe
MAI depends on the gifts of individuals, churches and foundations. In the US, MAI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency and a member in good standing with ECFA and ECPA. In the UK, MAI is a member in good standing with Global Connections.