Our Work

The power of the written word to transform lives and nourish people shines in the world’s difficult places. Our work focuses on areas with few Christians and little publishing activityWe equip Christians to create life-changing books and articles in their heart languages through culturally-relevant training tailored to meet specific local needs. Since our founding in 1985, we’ve trained over 10,000 people in 90 countries – and have seen budding writers developed, publishing houses grown, periodicals launched and books produced.


Today one in four Christians in the world is in Africa, and the Church is thriving. But quality Christian books and articles that speak to local needs are scarce. Church leaders thirst for materials to: disciple believers, reach Africa’s huge population of youth, offer reconciliation and hope, battle AIDS, overcome poverty, stabilize democracy and more.

Our Africa Trustees help spearhead our training in nations across the continent, including South Sudan, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Christianity has grown at twice the rate of Asia’s population in the last century, but it is still home to four out of five of the world’s 4.4 billion people who are not believers. Locally created books, articles and film help build the Church and introduce Jesus to people without hope.

Our Asia Trustees spearhead training in India, Nepal, Vietnam, Mongolia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Philippines, Singapore and beyond.


Since our founding in 1985, MAI has continued to nurture talented publishers across Europe. As a result, many of these men and women now equip others as our trainers. We continue to encourage the growth of local authors who can speak best to readers’ hearts and minds. 

MAI has served in Italy, Croatia, France, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, England, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine.

Latin America

The Church in Latin America is booming. The ground is ripe for books written and published in Latin America given high literacy rates and the Church’s growing global missions involvement. Many pastors haven’t been to Bible college, but are nurtured through the printed word. Books written by Latin Americans speak to the heart concerns of their own people, strengthening the church and reaching the lost for Christ.

MAI has provided training in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Venezuela.

Our next LittWorld global Christian publishing conference, Publishing for Lasting Impact, will be held in Latin America in November 2024. 


Within three days of the tragic beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya, the Bible Society of Egypt published a Christian response to the tragedy–the leaflet “Two Rows by the Sea.”

The Arabic-language leaflet, which shared Scriptures and a poem on Christian hope amidst suffering, impacted Christians and Muslims alike.  It ultimately reached more than 1.65 million readers, becoming the most widely distributed Christian leaflet in the nation’s history.

“Homegrown” Christian literature like this has unique power to impact both church and society.  Writers across the Arab-world are reaching readers with words of hope.

MIDDLE EAST: From the Blog


MAI was started in the Chicago suburbs in 1985 to equip Christian publishers and writers worldwide. Founders Bob Reekie, Jim Engel and Jim Johnson recognized the power of locally authored literature and launched a ministry to help gifted Christians create homegrown magazines, books and literature for readers in their own lands.

Since then, we have trained North Americans on global publishing needs and issues of the Church around the world. Here’s how we’ve helped:

  • Provided author training to U.S. Hispanic church leaders
  • Organized trainings for staff of mission publications
  • Hosted communications internships for American college students.
  • Arranged publishing internships with North American publishers for staff overseas
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