Dan works as a literary agent with The Steve Laube Agency and as director of the Write to Publish conference. He’s taken part in two LittWorld conferences and a training week in Ghana with MAI Director of Publisher Development Ramon Rocha.
“Joining the Board was an easy decision since I have such a high regard for the work of MAI,” Dan says.
Working with authors and publishers every day, Dan has observed one common thing: They all learn from rejection or failure. “Publishing is very difficult and subjective, so being patient, courageous and strong is an absolute. God will teach things through the process.”
Dan’s book tip: “The first Christian book I read after accepting Christ in 1974 was Your God is Too Small by J.B. Phillips. It made a great impression on me right from the beginning.”

The first thing Rose says about herself is, “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.” She has been serving with Biblica Global Bible Ministry (formerly known as the International Bible Society) for over 20 years in marketing, outreach, publishing and partnerships.
“When I was called to serve on the board, I agreed because I knew I was serving with people who have similar loves—for Jesus Christ and for books,” Rose says.
“My prayer, dream and desire is for people all over the world to have access to life-transforming content that is biblical and contextual. What gives me most satisfaction is seeing new books, new publishing houses and other publishing initiatives started.”
Rose is also Chair of MAI-Africa, established after LittWorld 2012 in Nairobi.
Rose’s book tip: “What’s so Amazing about Grace by Philip Yancey, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers and God Chasers by Tommy Tenney. My first life-changing read was when I was about 11, Run Baby Run, the story of Nicky Cruz. The impression it made is still with me to this day.”

Greg has been involved in developing Christian publishing in the French-speaking world since 1990. He serves primarily with Encompass World Partners, Editions Clé and Publications pour la jeunesse africaine (PJA).
“In my interactions with MAI, I have seen an enduring concern for those working in Christian publishing,” Greg says. “I’ve seen a genuine appreciation for the reality that is the global body of Christ in all its cultural expressions. MAI’s efforts provide essential moments of refuge, sharpening of skills and revitalization of vision to those in the Christian publishing world.”
As part of MAI’s international Board, Greg hopes to serve and encourage others in Christian publishing. “As one of the characters in the grand book of Christian publishing, I’m looking forward to seeing how the Author interlaces our collective efforts in His story.”
Greg’s book tip: Reading and returning to Leading with Love by Alexander Strauch can be like going to see the doctor for a check-up. ‘Love arteries’ can get clogged and flow insufficiently. Strauch performs a spiritual atherectomy. “Only love has the power to freely and repeatedly forgive, to truly seek to understand people’s weaknesses and complexities, to put things into proper perspective, and to put a blanket over other people’s faults.”

Richard is spending his retirement volunteering with community service agencies and serving at church.
“I was thrilled to be invited to serve on the MAI Board because of its vision for enabling local authors and publishers to produce Christian literature,” Richard says. “This was the same philosophy that I used in my work.”
Before retiring, Richard’s work involved 30 years of leading community health programs at the Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia USA, and 15 years of developing international community health programs—including in South America, where current MAI President John Maust visited to write about the growth of the church in the Ecuadorian Andes.
Richard’s book tip: “Books that have influenced my walk with Jesus are from contemplative authors such as Meister Eckhart, Thomas Merton, and Bob Benson.”

José Carlos leads the Christian organization Comix35 Next Gen, which produces comics and illustrated books to share the gospel and trains others to do so effectively. He attended LittWorld for the first time in Kenya in 2012 and has since been involved in MAI’s training events.
“MAI is a wonderful organization that provides high-quality training for editorial purposes with a Bible-based mission and vision,” José Carlos says. Of MAI’s webinar library by trainers around the globe in English, French and Spanish, he says, “These free sessions are a great resource. I thank God for all the donors who have made MAI’s ministry possible for more than three decades.”
José Carlos leads MAI’s Spanish-language webinar and training planning team, which is working toward forming an MAI-Latin America Board. This team will host the first LittWorld to take place in a Spanish-speaking country in 2024.
José Carlos’s book tip: “Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose by Geoff and Janet Benge inspired me to keep trusting God amid difficult situations and to keep sharing the gospel.”

Casey is President of Terra Firma Audio, a division of Content Capital, which seeks to examine every angle of author brand to determine the best path forward for their content. Casey has 10 years of media and marketing experience with stints in both nonprofit and for-profit industries, almost exclusively focused on developing financially-successful content strategy.
“I joined the MAI Board to lend my expertise in content creation and distribution to all who MAI serves around the world,” Casey says. His specialties include: podcasting, branded content, digital strategy, innovation, content strategy, digital product development, public speaking and consulting.
Casey’s book tip: “I am a huge C.S. Lewis fan—anything from his catalog but I am currently reading his Space Trilogy series.”

Ellen is Associate Director of Rights and Contracts for InterVarsity Press (USA). She has been working with international publishers for more than 25 years.
“I love reading books and my own spiritual formation journey has been shaped by many of the books I’ve read,” Ellen says. “I’m grateful to be part of a ministry that serves international publishers, authors, and editors, because work in this area has been such an integral part of my life and career.”
“I’m looking forward to learning more about the ways God is working and discovering ways I can support that work out of the experiences and gifts God has blessed me with.”
Ellen’s book tip: “There are so many books that have been significant to me! Some key books that come to mind include: The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith, A Lesson of Love: The Revelations of Julian of Norwich (and the novel, I, Julian by Claire Gilbert), The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner, Seeking God Together by Alice Frying, and Theology for the Community of God by Stanley Grenz.”

Bank supervision has been Jeffrey’s entire career, including four years at the Central Bank of Kuwait. He currently works as a Lead Large Bank Examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
With a love for cross-cultural experiences and ministry, Jeffrey was introduced to MAI by Board Vice-Chair Anna Piro when they both served on a class reunion committee.
“MAI’s need for an additional board member with financial expertise and MAI’s mission of helping global Christians become published authors was a perfect match for me!” Jeffrey says. “I know the power of the written word to create and strengthen faith in Christ.”
Jeffrey’s book tip: “While it would be hard for me to pick one book, besides the Bible, that has influenced me most in my faith journey, I can list several favorite authors: Martin Luther, Matthew Henry, C.S. Lewis, Greg Bahnsen and Patrick Henry Reardon.”

Bernice is Managing Director of Graceworks, a publishing and training consultancy in Singapore. She joined the MAI Board upon taking on the role of Chair of MAI-Asia. “I had tasted the amazing camaraderie and Christ-led, empowering focus of MAI’s ministry—where leaders are truly servants of those they seek to encourage. It is an egoless ecosystem, so very countercultural,” Bernice says.
Prior to Graceworks, Bernice managed the publishing program for Armour Publishing, a local Christian publishing company that she co-founded.
“If you’re reading this, it’s not by chance,” Bernice says. “Use your gift—whether in writing, editing, designing, marketing, teaching—to shine a light in the growing darkness.”
Bernice’s book tip: “Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand. I was so inspired by his tenacious faith and realized what a gift such books could be in the hands of those who need encouragement and who crave knowledge of the God who saves.”

Debbie works at Tyndale House Ministries—a merge of the world’s largest independent Christian publisher, Tyndale House Publishers, and Tyndale House Foundation, which gives grants to Christian ministries around the globe.
“I have witnessed the effective ministry of MAI,” Debbie says, of the reason she joined the Board. “The written word transforms lives. God the Father chooses to communicate through the written Word; and Jesus Christ is called the Word. The written word has the power to offer hope, change perspective, and alter the trajectory of a life.”
“I look forward to seeing how God encourages people, develops skills, and impacts the world through MAI participants.”
Debbie’s book tip: “George MacDonald is a favorite author who richly portrays the love of the Father. His novels draw readers to the heart of God and the beauty of His love. The Baronet’s Song was the first of many MacDonald novels that deeply impacted my life.”

“I once described myself as ‘someone who creatively organizes chaos,’” Anna says. “Self-employed graphic designer would be the official description.” For Anna, serving with MAI as Vice Chair means being part of a ministry where people are being reached with the gospel in ways that make sense to them.
“MAI’s work builds and strengthens community by training publishers, writers, and editors to creatively produce content for their own people in their own language,” Anna says. “All of this content is centered around Jesus.”
Anna’s book tip: “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together makes the point that fellowship of Christians is found in the words of Jesus Christ. Prayer, worship, everyday work and relationships—we are built for this life of community.”

Heather became president and CEO of MAI in 2024 after more than 20 years’ experience as an editor, journalist, and organizational communications leader.
“My hope is to see more people around the world trained, equipped, and encouraged to publish God’s truth for people from their own context and beyond,” Heather says. “What gets me really excited are ways that MAI could help new audiences gain exposure to new ideas. One of my key callings is building bridges that amplify voices of the marginalized.”
Before MAI, Heather served as acting managing editor of Christian Daily International, editorial director of the award-winning Evangelical Missions Quarterly, founder of le Motif (a communications consultancy firm and ministry), director of a global missions photojournalism team, and as a mission agency communications director.
Heather’s book tip: “I find historical fiction helps me gain an understanding of a historical period in a way that isn’t possible through another means. It’s as close to going there and experiencing it as you can get!”

Christine is a fiction writer and freelance editor. She also serves on the vestry for the Church of the Savior in Wheaton, Illinois USA. During her college days, Christine was an intern with MAI.
“I loved the ways I saw MAI encouraging Christian writers and publishers all over the world,” she says. “As a writer and editor who grew up in Latin America (moving between Peru, Chile, and Panama), MAI was a natural fit! The invitation to join the Board felt like a way to connect more deeply with the work of MAI, and I was honored to be able to accept. I’ve loved getting to know some of the incredible people who are part of the MAI world, especially other board members, talented writers from all over the world, and publishers who are inspiring for their faithful labor of love.” Christine is the author of The Means That Make Us Strangers, winner of The Christy Award for Young Adult Fiction in 2020.
Christine’s book tip: “Of the many books that have helped shape my faith, Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved stands out as one that has impacted me deeply. What a great reminder of God’s tenderness toward us!”

Janet is founder of Dernier Publishing, which produces novels for children, teens and young adults written from a Christian perspective, and Write For A Reason, a training resource for aspiring writers of stories for young people.
“When I started my journey of faith as a young teen, I devoured Christian books,” Janet says. “How thrilling to see what the Lord was doing in people’s lives! They opened up a whole new world to me, of what it meant to walk by faith.”
Seeing that God’s kingdom is made up of people from every tribe, people nation and language, Janet is keen for others to have “the privilege of having books in their own language, written by their own people, who understand their culture.”
“What a great job MAI does in addressing this issue!” she says. “Having benefited from such wonderful Christian books and other resources in my own walk with the Lord, I’m delighted to be able to pay it forward, and serve as Chair on the MAI-Europe team.”
Rose Birenge
Biblica Africa, Kenya
Lekan Otufodunrin
Media Consultant, Nigeria
Joan Campbell
Media and Communications
Author, South Africa
Ardon Kirimi Barine
Publisher, Kenya
Kingston Ogango Ombisa
Alpha International, Kenya
Lawrence Jato Darmani
Publisher and Author, Ghana
Kabore Joanna Ilboudo
ACTS, Burkina Faso
Contact MAI-Asia
Bernice Lee
Graceworks Private Limited, Singapore
Aaron Lee
Regulatory & ethics lawyer, bi-vocational pastor and writer, Singapore
Emily Mei Ling Lim
Author, Singapore
Yna Reyes
OMF Literature, Inc., Philippines
Owen Salter
Editor and Writer, Australia
MAI-Europe board of trustees
Contact MAI-Europe
Phone: int’l code + 1865 02750
MAI-Europe Office
c/o Rodney Shepherd
21 Mill Street
Old Kidlington, Oxfordshire 0XE
Tel/Fax +44(0) 1865-848337
[email protected]
Rodney Shepherd
Publishing and Marketing Consultant
Anna Shirochenskaya
Publishing Director, Triad Christian Publishing
Borislava van Braam van Vloten
Communications Consultant, Editor and Writing Coach
Sam Richardson
CEO, SPCK Publishing
Daniela Benevelli
Publishing Manager
Robert Clark
International Publishing Consultant
Alexandr Flek
Publisher, Biblion
Alice Philip
Janet Wilson