Men and women from 94 countries have participated in LittWorld since the conference began in 1986.
Through LittWorld, we have seen publishing houses born, new books, magazines and podcasts conceived, and skills refined for more effective communication. Below are just a few things past participants are saying about attending LittWorld.
"I served 14 years on the MAI board of trustees and absolutely love everything this organization does. For a Christian writer, attending LittWorld is one of the best things to do this side of heaven."
Dan Runyon
"LittWorld is a really extraordinary chance to learn from different publishers and authors no matter if you just started a publishing ministry or if you have been involved for a long time ago."
Femi Cakolli
"LittWorld 2018 was a blessing to me and my organization, the Uganda Faith Writers Association. I learnt about book selling and have increased my selling capacity of the Association books. My writing also got much better, and at the moment I have two manuscripts and am working on another book on Covid-19 in Uganda.
As I result of my training, I have been able to encourage many young people in the university to take up writing and five are actively coming up with some manuscripts. LittWorld gave me so much confidence! If I get another opportunity, I will not hesitate to attend another LittWorld!"
Jason TuryahabwaUganda, East Africa
"LittWorld 2018 dramatically changed my life. There I got not just encouragement, a wider worldview, and connections with other authors and publishers, but there I met brother Randal Payleitner from Moody Publishers. Randall brought my manuscript to the U.S. and connected me with a team of editors who decided to publish our book.
After LittWorld 2018 I also organized a chat in Telegram messenger for Christian Ukrainian authors. One by one they joined and today we have 23 participants!"
Sergey SologubUkraine
"Attending LittWorld, I gained so much spiritual benefit. I was touched and felt blessed to have the opportunity to hear stories from participants facing religion persecution in their countries. Our problems no longer seem so bad because Christians around the world are united by heart as the body of Christ. We hold each other in prayers even though we are separated by language and distance."
Nancy Sitohang