Beyond Words: The editor-author relationship
When editor and author discover the treasures of trust, mutual respect, commitment, communication, and collaboration, the result can be more than a good book. This partnership brings rewards beyond words.
You’ll learn from veteran editor Yna Reyes, publishing and communications director at OMF Literature in the Philippines. Her engagement in the publishing ministry started 29 years ago after four years of student work with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Her involvement with MAI started in 2001 when John Maust and Dan Elliott conducted a weeklong editorial training in Baguio City, Philippines. She had her first opportunity to facilitate an editing workshop at LittWorld 2002 in Tagaytay, Philippines. After that, she was sent by MAI to conduct editorial trainings in Cambodia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. She currently serves as secretary of MAI-Asia. Yna is also a children’s book author and storyteller.
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