Patience and Perseverance: How to manage editing a book with several authors
Join us for this upcoming webinar with Ian Darke, coordinator of the Letra Viva network of Christian publishers in Latin America. Letra Viva operates a continental dispatch center and regular training events. Based in Costa Rica, Ian also serves as acquisitions editor for Ediciones Certeza Unida, an IFES-related publishing house. Ian has served as project coordinator of the Latin America Bible Commentary (LABC), an 11-year work nearing publication. His work with the LABC involves resolving issues, managing projects, revising documents, coordinating teams and developing plans.
You’ll learn how to manage editing a book with several authors.
Key takeaways:
- Gain tips on how to communicate clearly with diplomacy and care.
- Hear insights on how you can encourage busy writers to be their own “Mr./Mrs. Fix-It” while educating them in the process.
- Learn about contracts, agreements, payments and legal issues.
- Discover how to break down your project into editorial areas: logic and sequence of content, theology, accuracy, style, etc.
- Learn computer housekeeping—how to stay organized and manage multiple versions of files.
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