Wake Up Your Yawning Board! How to build a vibrant and effective board of trustees
Discover how to build a vibrant board and keep them effectively involved, but not meddling in daily operations.
You’ll learn:
-The value of a board of trustees and its roles and functions vis-à-vis management
-How to identify and recruit talented board members and get them engaged and contributing to your publishing ministry-business without meddling in day-to-day operations
-How to maintain a harmonious and healthy board and management relationship
Barine Kirimi is Global Publishing Development Coordinator for the United Bible Societies, with more than 17 years’ experience in publishing, capacity building and strategic consulting. He has a passion for training writers and publishers and is the founding director of the Publishing Institute of Africa, a capacity building organization for writers and publishers. Barine holds a doctoral degree in Business Administration, and is a member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly the American Society for Training & Development.
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