By Abby Reese, MAI intern

“In this materialistic age poetry seems to attract more and more readers,” said Svetlana Karoleva, editor of the new book, Dreaming of Heaven and Seeking You: Sketches from Contemporary Bulgarian Christian Poetry. This first contemporary Christian poetry book authored by Bulgarians launched in the biggest secular book store in Sofia last September.
Published by Mission Possible Bulgaria and funded by the Oswald Chambers Publication Association, the book consists of haikus, free verse and rhythmic poetry. Poems contain biblical undertones, reflecting Christian worldview. Svetlana believes the poetry will “win intellectuals, university students and poetry fans for Christ.”

The poetry grew out of Mission Possible’s writer club, which formed in 2002 and continues to meet monthly in Sofia. Of the book’s 28 authors, 12 were club members. The authors include university professors, pastors and a magazine editor.
Like the image of a dandelion scattering seeds on the book’s cover, the authors hope the seeds of the Gospel in each poem will blow into every corner of society.

The title is already spreading seeds. Ivelina Stoikova, a contributing poet, gave a copy of the book to a non-Christian contact who saw it posted on Facebook. She hopes “God would speak to his heart and draw him to Himself.”
A poem from Dreaming of Heaven and Seeking You by Teodora Kirova, writer club member (left in photo):
I am thrilled by the green.
He wrote a letter to me. A flower.
I am thrilled by the blue.
He refreshed me. With a sea.
I am thrilled by the golden.
He gave me a treasure. A home.
I am thrilled by the grey.
He sent me to them. The colorless.
I am thrilled by the heavenly.
He wants me for Him. His.
I am thrilled by You. Love.
I have wings. Together.
MAI has partnered with Mission Possible Bulgaria multiple times to help equip gifted writers in this nation.