From Thesis to Book: Making Information Accessible with Ian Darke

How might you publish your thesis as an accessible book that is a blessing to the church? Learn from From Thesis to Book: Making Information Accessible with publishing network coordinator Ian Darke.

Some have had the great privilege of studying a masters or doctorate degree and with great effort have managed to write a thesis. Then the question arises: What to do with this fruit of the research? There are resources you can use to publish your thesis as an accessible book that is a blessing to the church. In this webinar, publishing network coordinator Ian Darke discusses how you might go about doing this to stimulate healthy and biblical reflection in your readers.

Since 1990, Ian has been dedicated to the development of publishing houses in Latin America. He was a co-founder of Ediciones Puma in Peru, works with Ediciones Certeza Unida (IVP in Spanish) coordinates the Letra Viva network of evangelical publishing ministries in Latin America. He was the coordinator of the Latin America Bible commentary project Comentario bíblico contemporáneo and his book From Dissertation to Christian Book is due to be released by Regnum Publishing, Oxford (UK), in coming weeks.

Ian grew up in the industrial city of Birmingham, England. He moved to London to continue his university studies in the field of pure mathematics. With a slight change of focus, he served a few years in the UK Student Ministry (UCCF). He was invited to accompany the Evangelical Student Movement (AGEUP) in Peru, where he combined ministry with teaching mathematics at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima. It was in this context that concern arose for relevant and accessible biblical literature. He is married, has two children, three granddaughters, and likes to run.


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