This week we closed our office in Chicago. These beautiful words were written by Aileen Agoncillo to praise and thank the Lord for his work in and through his people in this space.
We gather in this place that has been home to MAI for the past two decades – to reflect on God’s goodness, to give thanks, to share in the grief that comes with goodbyes, and to remember God’s faithfulness in moving forward.
Today, while there may be sadness in this particular end, there is also anticipation as we mark this milestone in MAI’s God-guided journey. We remember together that the work God began here does not – and has not – rested within these walls, but goes out across the globe.
In this place, walls have borne witness to holy labors.
Here, hands and minds have crafted words and plans for eternal purposes.
Dreams were born.
Callings stirred to life.
For the years this office has served MAI as home, we give thanks.
For all that has been accomplished here – and for what is yet to come – we celebrate and we give thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
Room-by-Room Thanksgiving
As we go room by room, let us enter this time together with gratitude for what has been and hope for what will be. May this time of reflection open our hearts to Your abiding presence and Your unchanging mission.
Reception Area: The Place of Welcome
This was the threshold of the mission,
where first hellos turned strangers into collaborators,
and every welcome carried whispers of Your grace.
For every visitor welcomed into this space, we give you thanks.
In this space interns and workers offered their gifts.
Communications were crafted,
bearing witness to your faithfulness.
This was the hub of daily duties, tasks often unseen –
keeping the organization running.
We give thanks for Bonnie and the careful work that has kept MAI steadily moving year after year. We give thanks for Dawn and Laurie for the ways they spread awareness of MAI’s global work.
For all those who have served faithfully in this space, we give you thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
The Individual Offices: The Places of Vision and Equipping
In these rooms, words traveled farther than feet could go, equipping those who labor to bring the light of Your truth to the nations. Here, resources became lifelines, training became transformation, and Your Word was made accessible to hearts yearning in every language.
We give thanks for the work of Ramon that has strengthened Your Church and impacted the world.
For every training offered, every resource crafted, and every writer and publisher equipped to serve, we give thanks.
In these rooms, vision was cast.
Dreams took shape.
Here, seeds of bold faith were planted,
and watered with perseverance and grace.
May the light of this vision burn brightly still,
guiding the work of all who carry it forward.
For the one who first caught the spark of Your calling,
and for every leader who has and will nurture its flame, we give thanks.
We give you thanks for the faithful leadership and legacy of Bob and John. We give thanks for the vision of seeing life-transforming materials in the heart-language and local context throughout the globe. Thank you for their faithful stewardship of that vision and service to You.
For their hearts, their gifts, their service, we give thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
As Your vision – nurtured with care and courage – has passed from one set of faithful hands to another’s, we give you thanks.
We give you thanks for Heather and the new leadership she brings to MAI.
May what has begun here, be a testimony to her of Your faithful presence with and provision for MAI. Spirit, inspire and guide your servant, Heather – for Your Glory.
For her heart, her gifts, her service, we give thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
Conference Room: The Place of Community and Rest
From around the globe Your people would join here.
Gatherings of hearts and minds took place at these tables.
Vision and purpose shared.
Challenges faced.
Possibilities imagined.
Wisdom imparted.
Community lived.
Bless the partnerships formed in this room.
May the spirit of collaboration and community continue to strengthen Your body and serve Your Kingdom. May the fellowship of our community continue to reflect the love of Christ to the world.
For every meeting, every meal, and every moment of the Body of Christ united in this space, we give thanks.
For the gathering together and the going out, we give thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
In this room, the hum of work paused.
Here, burdens were laid down.
And, moments of connection shared.
The simple grace of rest – a reminder of Your goodness.
For the moments of rest that sustained MAI’s labor, and the fellowship that bound many together in You, we give thanks.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
May the rhythms of rest and renewal continue to refresh all who do this work.
For your abiding presence. For your rest. We give you thanks.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
Final Blessing & Sending Forth
Creator God, You have called us to join You in Your holy work.
In this office, Your people have labored, dreamed, gathered and collaborated.
You have given this space as a vessel for the flourishing of Your Kingdom.
As this chapter closes in this particular space, we do not close the mission You have entrusted to us.
The vision lives on.
And now, in Your goodness and for your glory, you invite us to a new chapter in MAI’s story.
Go with us now, as we carry the vision of MAI with us from this place that the work begun here may continue to glorify Your name.
From this place, we go forth—equipped, encouraged, and connected— to continue the work of MAI. As You have been faithful in this space, so will You be faithful as we go.
ALL: Great is Thy Faithfulness. We give you thanks.
Closing Hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness
A hymn of gratitude for the past and declaration of trust for the future.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
“The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:8)