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How to Be an Effective and Impactful Christian Writer with Lawrence Darmani

“If you are such a determined aspiring writer, pick up your pen or reach for your keyboard,” advises publisher Lawrence Darmani in his latest book, Pick Up Your Pen: A Guide to Effective Writing. With over 35 years of experience in writing and publishing Christian books, Lawrence knows that this is more easily said than done. He knows every writer is wondering, “Yes, but how?!”

Below are some of our favorite quotes from Lawrence’s recent MAI webinar, How to Be an Effective and Impactful Christian Writer. You can also watch the full video.

God can call anyone to write

“No matter who you are– an administrator, a driver, a pastor–it is possible for God to call you into Christian writing, because God wants to use books to reach many people, in places where we ourselves cannot reach. And in times when we cannot say anything, what we have written can communicate.”

Seek diligence and excellence

“We seek to produce quality work. We want to be effective writers…. The fact that we are Christians should propel us to write effectively because God demands diligence and excellence…. I pray that for us whom the Lord has called to write that we would feel it within our souls to write effectively.”

Discuss your writing with God and remember who you are

“If God’s called you to be a writer, you want to discuss your writing with God all the time and commit your writing to God…. While you work, remember who you are. You are writing for the King. There is no substitute for persistence, diligence, hard work and never giving up. It’s a message I’d love to have ringing in our ears every day.”

Research, because you don’t know everything

“We need to understand what we are writing about, which calls for research. Research is indispensable. We don’t know everything…. Research relevant information that enriches your writing. Luke gives us an excellent example in Luke 1:1-4.”

Take a stand

“Take a stand in your writing. Make your views strong. State your opinion passionately. Readers have questions and issues, and they anticipate your writing will provide guidance and help. God calls people to write to endow us with revelation and to touch many people’s hearts with what we write.”

Be ready to edit

“Do not fall in love with your statements…. a time will come when you may need to remove it.”

Seek a noble theme

“Write noble themes. A noble theme is any theme that impacts and encourages people and has a message from the Lord for readers. It is based on scripture…. The God who called you into writing will endow you with all the creative powers that you need.”

Readbut not so much that you don’t write

“It is a contradiction of terms to say you are a writer and yet you are not reading. Because if you’re not reading, how are you able to generate enough ideas for what you’re writing?…. I still enjoy reading, I have a library full of books and I love sharing my books with other people–although sometimes they don’t come back but that’s OK, the books are out there.”

When you have “writer’s block”…

“Why are writers the only ones who have this? I never hear a farmer say, ‘I have farmer’s block’ or about driver’s block or fisherman’s block. So, let’s assume that this block is there, then treat it. You don’t feel like getting up to write–well you’re a Christian and the Lord has called you, so….”

Write bit by bit, and ideas will grow

“We write little by little, piece by piece, day by day. I’ve heard a lot of people say, ‘When I retire I will have a lot of time to write,’ but simply having time on your hands doesn’t guarantee you’ll produce. It’s a matter of doing it bit by bit…. Every day new ideas grow; you cannot have all of them at the same time.”

Lawrence Darmani and MAI President John Maust first met over 30 years ago at a LittWorld Conference. John says of Lawrence, “He practices what he preaches. In the midst of running a publishing house, a magazine and so many activities, he always makes time for writing–in the wee morning hours.”

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