Contributions of stock or mutual funds to MAI’s donor-advised fund with National Christian Foundation (NCF) can help you turn tax dollars into increased giving for global ministry.
If you sell appreciated stock or mutual funds yourself for the purpose of charitable giving, the sale will be subject to capital gain taxes and the total amount of your gift will be reduced.
If you give the appreciated stock or mutual funds to our donor-advised fund, NCF will sell the stocks or mutual funds for you, with no taxes taken and the entire amount given to MAI ministry.
Not only are capital gain tax dollars redirected to ministry, but the full value of the appreciated stock or mutual funds may be included in your itemized donations.* This is truly a “win-win” situation!
Contact us today for information on how to give stocks and mutual funds to MAI’s donor-advised fund and maximize your giving for Christian ministry around the world. Tel. (+1) 630.580.8229 [email protected].
*Please consult your personal tax advisor.