MAI is pleased to announce LittWorld 2015 will take place in Singapore, November 2 to 6, 2015. “As a global commercial center and travel hub, Singapore makes a strategic venue for LittWorld 2015,” MAI President John Maust said. “We’re glad to make the training more easily accessible to colleagues in Asia, where MAI training has grown significantly in recent years.”
Every three years, MAI convenes LittWorld, the only international conference of its kind, providing intensive training on strategic, publishing-related topics. The conference gathers nearly 200 Christian publishing staff and writers from 50 countries.

Bernice Lee, chair of the local host committee, welcomes Christian publishing colleagues worldwide. “I’m really excited to welcome you to Singapore. In his 1978 evangelistic rally here, Billy Graham declared that Singapore would be the ‘Antioch of Asia.’ Like Antioch in the book of Acts, God continues to ‘open the door of faith to the Gentiles’ via Singapore. It is a privilege and joy to continue carrying out this calling through LittWorld 2015.” Lee notes that Asia is home to about 80 percent of the world’s 4.4 billion people who are not Christians.
Men and women from 95 countries have participated in the conference since it began in 1986. Through LittWorld, MAI has seen publishing houses born, new books conceived, and skills refined for more effective publishing. Inevitably, participants take away a new or reinforced commitment to publish books and articles by local authors in the heart language and culture of readers.
“It was truly a life-changing event for me to be with 190+ people from 50 different nations, all focused on spreading the Gospel and making disciples of Christ,” said literary agent Alice Crider after the last LittWorld.
Further details and registration will become available at For more information, email [email protected] or call (630) 260-9063.
Photo above by noppasinw, Freedigitalphotos