Loving the lost through the written word with Bernice Lee

Former MAI-Asia Board Chair and Graceworks managing director Bernice Lee recalls the joys of fruit from her labors over the last fifteen years in MAI ministry. We’re so thankful for her example of faithfulness and perseverance, and share in her delight in seeing God work through Christian publishing.

I recall many heartwarming and breath-catching moments of a journey with like-minded friends who live out the Great Commandment.

The encouragement of others’ faithful service

MAI is like a giant octopus with tentacles that reach out to people from various regions, whose hearts beat to God’s rhythm for loving the lost through the written word. The faithful service of many other stalwarts—whether on the Board or as trainers—has blessed and encouraged me tremendously. Many of us have remained fast friends through the years.

I recently received a message from a dear Indonesian sister who was one of the participants from an Editorial Management Training Workshop I did in Jakarta in 2009. She is currently in the planning stages of a writer workshop for a group of youths during their school holidays in April!

Training trainers, who then go on to train trainers…

During a Train the Trainer workshop in Singapore in 2013 (led by master-trainer Richard Crespo and graced by former MAI President John Maust), we shared so much joy and laughter while learning powerful lessons on how to be excellent trainers.

At that training, we had at least 11 nations represented, and many of those who were trained have since gone on to be leaders in Christian writing, editing or publishing in their respective countries.

Lessons through the wringer

The Lord has taught me by putting me through the wringer in terms of trusting Him daily and learning from others more experienced than us here at Graceworks—when we left horrendous editorial mistakes in our published titles, when authors or clients felt unreasonable or uncooperative, when the cash flow was bad, when we were short-handed…and the list could go on and on.

Through it all, He has shown me three main things:

  • Ask and aim: what difference can you make in God’s kingdom through your publishing?
  • Be focused on your vision for the types of books you will publish and why God has given you this assignment.
  • Being profitable is not unspiritual. Work towards it. Don’t let your first tumble derail you. Innovate.

A new season

I’m so blessed to know that someone as accomplished as Aaron Lee will lead his equally accomplished team to even greater heights for MAI-Asia.

Graceworks is also in the process of leadership renewal. Please pray for us to have a God-fearing Moses, ably assisted by a loyal Aaron and a Hur!

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