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Ochoa Reflects on Latin American Interest in Christian Publishing

Mexican author and MAI board member, Keila Ochoa, led two workshop sessions on writing at the Congreso Latinoamericano de Evangelización (CLADE V) last July in Costa Rica. The Christian leader congress, attended by some 700 participants, included a book fair with  book launches, workshops and autograph sessions coordinated by Ian Darke, MAI’s Latin America regional trainer. Keila shares her impressions about writing and publishing in Latin America from the CLADE V experience here:

Did you sense an interest in Christian publishing and writing among the church leaders at CLADE?
There is interest especially among seminar professors and students who are willing to contribute to the Church through the written word.

Which topics did participants walk away desiring to write about?
Mostly theology, as this was a theological conference, but a couple of young men were interested in fiction.

Was there a sense of need for further training for writers?
Oh, yes! They asked when future trainings would take place in their countries. They want to be prepared!

What can be done to help people wanting to learn how to become published writers?
Giving training and promoting writing competitions.


How do you see MAI most effectively working in Latin America in the future?
I think training is essential, as well as helping small publishing houses to thrive and serve their local authors. Publishing houses from Latin America are willing to publish local authors but lack funds, good marketing strategies and distribution.

By Katie Skero, former MAI intern



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