Online Writers Group

Upcoming meetings

About us

Sharing the good news of Jesus through your writing can feel a bit lonely, and we’re all in need of encouragement. Enter the Online Writers Group!

Our monthly meeting is run by our passionate MAI-Europe group of trustees. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A theme or focus for each meeting. Past topics have included: using AI in your writing, websites for authors and developing your gift as a writer.
  • A time to share. After initial introductions, everyone has a turn in the ‘hot seat’ to talk about their writing, and the issues and joys they are facing right now.
  • A chance to make friends. This is a time of fellowship. There is always lots of laughter and new friendships are forged.
  • An opportunity to pray for each other. We’ll share wisdom, knowledge, weaknesses and encouragements, and bring these to the Lord together.
We mustn’t give up and bury our talent—how the world needs Christian writers who will share the good news to bring life, light and hope into this dark world! - Janet Wilson, UK

“Writers are often wracked with doubt about their ability, about their content, and their suitability for the task,” MAI-Europe Chair Janet Wilson says, who hosts Online Writers Group. 

“It can be tough to get back up and keep writing. But we mustn’t give up and bury our talent—how the world needs Christian writers who will share the good news to bring life, light and hope into this dark world!” 

Keen to join us or find out more? Register at this link. You can also head over to MAI-Europe’s website.

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