China: Easing of Pressures
The Chinese government is tightening pressure on Christian activity. Pray for increased religious freedom in China, and for protection and wisdom for MAI publishing and writing colleagues in the country. (See BBC article on church crackdown)

Africa: “Mini-LittWorld”
Pray for God’s leading in preparations for a continent-wide training conference for Christian publishers and writers, November 5-7, in Accra, Ghana, with publisher Lawrence Darmani as host chair.

Mexico: Writer Workshop in Mexico
Pray for MAI efforts to give increased support to Christian publishers and writers in Mexico. Ask God to guide planning for a week-end training in Puebla this July.

South Sudan: Book on Christian Reconciliation
To help bring healing after years of war in South Sudan, Anglican Bishop Joseph Garang-Atem is writing a book on Christian reconciliation. Pray for the final writing and editing process, and for the book’s publication by August.

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