Publishing Practical Books for Pre-Teens: Nora Mishriky, Egypt

Nora dreamed of founding a publishing house—and four years ago, Sparkle Publications was born. “The Lord has shown me that He is the source of strength to do the vision He put in my heart, and He is the leader of the way,” Nora says. “He’s also taught me to focus, and never be dragged into competition with others who target quantity over quality.” This story is part of the Journeys in Christian Publishing: Stories from LittWorld series.

I had always dreamed of founding a publishing house, and to publish books that address discipleship and Christian maturity. After my husband passed away in 2008, I stepped into the management of our printing company to support my family.

Year after year, I needed to do something to pair my passion as a book lover with my abilities as translator and printing company manager. In 2021, I was registered as a publisher—and since then, I’ve published a series of eight books on life skills for pre-teens, plus nine other Christian books on different topics.

Pre-teen books used for training in churches and counselling institutes

Books that tackle pre-teen topics are very much needed in our society, including emotional intelligence, boundaries, psychological needs, sex and relationships. Our books are colorful and cartoon-illustrated to attract 8-12 year olds, both boys and girls. We have also published three books for parents and care-givers on life skills and sex education for teens.  Both collections are used as training materials in churches and counselling institutes.

Helping Christian writers create books that impact society

There are great opportunities in Christian publishing in Egypt. One of the things we do is encourage emerging writers to self-publish. We offer editing, design, printing and marketing services. Another area of growth here is in publishing digital on-demand books.

One of the writers we have worked with recently manages an NGO helping abused children and women. She wrote a manual on protection against sexual abuse for teachers to use in Sunday schools and regular schools. It is practical, full of helpful materials and best practices, and has been received very well in churches and counselling institutes.

Focusing on God’s leading 

The Lord has taught me many things in this journey. He’s shown me that He is the source of strength to do the vision He put in my heart, and He is the leader of the way. He’s also taught me to focus, and never be dragged into competition with others who target quantity over quality. And finally, I’ve learned from the Lord to ask for help.

Things I’ve learned from a few favorite books

The Strong and the Weak by Paul Tournier. I like how Paul emphasizes that we are so much alike, and what differentiates us from one another is the way we react to our sadness. He also presents the biblical concepts of sin and grace, and how confessing our sins and gaining forgiveness maintains our happiness and freedom.

The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. Richard explores central spiritual practices through which the path to spiritual growth can be formed: prayer, fasting, solitude, silence, giving, simplicity and celebration.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. Peter shares lessons he’s learned the hard way: that you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. We need healthy emotional and spiritual practices in our relationship with Jesus, and to maintain relationships in life and ministry.

Praying for partnerships

I’d appreciate your prayer for partnerships with local or international writers and publishers, and that as a publisher we can find more effective marketing channels. You can find out more about our work here.

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