
John Maust


John became president of MAI in 1998 after more than 20 years’ experience as an editor and journalist. He worked 10 years as editor of the award-winning Latin America Evangelist magazine, published by Latin America Mission. He also spent four years in Peru as a missionary journalist. And he was assistant news editor of Christianity Today magazine and editor of a small-town Indiana weekly newspaper.

John has authored three books related to the church in Latin America: Cities of Change, research and insights on 10 Latin cities; Peace and Hope in the Corner of the Dead, an on-site account of the evangelical relief effort to help victims of terrorist violence in Peru; and New Song in the Andes, story of the amazing church growth among Ecuador’s Quichua people.


Ramon Rocha III

Director of Publisher Development

Ramon oversees MAI’s training programs to equip Christian publishers in underserved areas of the world. He joined the staff in MAI’s headquarters in 2012 with 15 years’ experience in Christian publishing and international training.

As former CEO of OMF Literature, Inc, in the Philippines, Ramon led it to become the nation’s largest Christian publishing house during his leadership from 1997 to 2008. He was the founding chair of MAI-Asia. Ramon volunteered for 12 years with MAI, offering training and consultation to publishing leaders and authors in 11 countries, including China, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and others. He authored The Christian Publisher: Strong in the Storm in the Expand Your LittWorld series (MAI).

Wilkins, Trix - photo


Communications Officer

Books have played a significant role in Trix’s coming to faith in Christ and getting involved in mission. She studied a BA in Media and Communications at Sydney University and a Masters in International Relations at Macquarie University in Australia. Two years of employment with news agency Australian Associated Press taught her about the business side of writing and publishing. Ten years (and counting) with OMF International have shown her the team it takes to equip Christians to thrive in ministry. 

Trix has helped to edit and write mission books including a returning missionary’s account of ministry amidst mental health struggles, a missionary kid’s story of cross-cultural mission in East Asia, and a director’s handbook on working in multicultural teams.

Bonnie Christmas 2016

Bonnie McCullough

Administrative Assistant

Bonnie handles MAI’s book orders and bookkeeping. She is also the receptionist at the MAI office, giving a gracious welcome to visitors and callers.

Bonnie’s first few years after graduating from Taylor University found her as a second-grade teacher, pastor’s wife and missionary wife in Greece.  After a hiatus as full-time mom, her work-life soon included details of data processing and customer service with World Relief, Harold Shaw Publishers, ChurchMart, Youth for Christ and now at MAI. 

Bonnie reflects, “I’ve learned so much and love the variety in my work, but the best part is being part of the MAI team and all the wonderful people all over the world I’ve been blessed to meet during my years here at MAI.”

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