Running a Christian publishing house in Vietnam has been a joy for Tran Thi Xuan Thuy. Thuy shares how God has worked in her life through books—and what she hopes for next. “I am passionate about helping teachers and children discover this magnificent story—God’s story—where each Bible lesson and narrative is woven into that greater purpose and truly connects to their lives.” This story is part of the Journeys in Christian Publishing: Stories from LittWorld series.
How did you come to know Christ? In what ways did books play a part?
Let me tell you a story. Have you ever heard about a little girl who tried to get attention from her family by doing her exam badly? Many years ago, in a small country town, there was a little girl who did just that. She was a good student, but it seemed that no one in her family cared for her. She had six siblings, but could not share her feelings with them because they were so busy. She would see her friends holding their parents’ hands on their way to school, and wished one day her parents might do likewise. Sometimes this little girl wondered why she had been born.
At the age of ten, the girl found an old copy of a New Testament and began reading it over and again. She was captivated, but nothing happened until two years later when she visited her grandparents in a big city where there were many churches.
When she first attended church, God revealed the meaning of what she had read in His Word. She was amazed when she realized that Jesus so loved her that He died for her on the cross because of her sin. He rose from the dead and lives and cares for her—and knows everything about her, even the numbers of her hair! He is always available and welcomes her to come to Him and talk to Him. After accepting Jesus as her Savior, the girl was no longer lonely. She has a Best Friend who understands her and wants to listen to her and talk to her any time. Once lonely, she became joyful. She became eager to bring the good news of Jesus to others.
That little girl is the one writing to you.
Thirty-five years ago, I was lonely—but now, I am filled with joy, happiness and satisfaction. How can my life be so changed? God is working in me. Knowing the Lord Jesus is the most precious thing in my life. I devote my life to God as His vehicle for His Kingdom. Since coming to know Jesus, I no longer live but Christ lives in me. I desire to be used by God to help others know Him and experience real happiness in Christ.
Before I knew Jesus, I loved reading and I read any books that were available. After becoming a Christian, I’ve become more interested in Christian books to feed my soul. I seek to know God’s will so I can live a life He wants me to live. I can say that books play an essential role in my journey with God—and, of course, the Bible is a precious book that opens my eyes, guides, instructs me and saves me throughout my journey with God.
Please share some things God’s shown you on your publishing journey
God will provide for what He asks. If God shows you something that stuns your mind, God wants you to do something. Don’t be afraid that you don’t have that capability. He will give you what you need, or He will bring others who can help you to do things you can’t manage.
Your ministry is not your own. Bear in mind that the ministry or business that you run is not your own, it belongs to God. God is the owner and He will be in charge of its termination or growth. You are God’s instrument and steward. Others may not support you or discourage you, but God is your boss, not people. Your part is to do what He entrusted to you, what He guides you to do.
Trust and appreciate others. As God has trusted you, you also need to learn to trust others. No one can carry all the responsibility by themselves! We each need help. Be patient with others as the Lord has been so patient with you. Your staff and co-workers are God’s gifts to you so that you can grow together and strengthen each other—all for God’s glory. Appreciate their presence and work, help them to grow, and be willing to entrust to them what they do well.
Take care of yourself. God is not a relentless boss, but a loving and kind Master.
What are your top tips for someone looking to engage in a similar ministry in your country?
Start with a vision. Why do you want to engage in this ministry? Is this something God wants you to do?
Start small. Publish what is really needed—but not a big project, just something that you can manage in a short time and doesn’t require a huge amount of money.
Start with a target audience. Don’t try to serve too many groups of people at the start. Focus is important.
Bear in mind your vision. Don’t let finances and trends overshadow your vision and mission.
Trust God. Know that this is God’s business, and you are His steward.
If money and time were no object, what would you seek to write or publish? (And why?)
I would love to write books on Christian education in our context here in Vietnam—including within families and in churches. I’ve written some articles related to this, but not have been able to start the project yet.
Why write such books? Firstly, much of the Christian education material used in Vietnamese churches today is translated from other languages. This often makes it culturally out of sync and less relevant to the unique challenges Vietnamese people face.
Also, many children’s curricula feel more like hero stories or moral lessons, without conveying the grand narrative of God’s redemptive plan for the world. I am passionate about helping teachers and children discover this magnificent story—God’s story—where each Bible lesson and narrative is woven into that greater purpose and truly connects to their lives, not just to people from ancient times.
Secondly, I want to write a book about Christian education because I believe each Christian needs to know God personally, allowing His will to shape and guide their daily decisions. Sadly, many people born into Christian families do not recognize this need. They may feel that simply attending church and listening to sermons is sufficient.
I believe Christian education can be transformative. It can guide people to live by the Word daily, starting from the earliest stages of their Christian life and continuing to grow until putting God first becomes a natural lifestyle. Through education, Christians can develop a deeper understanding of what God truly says and how He desires them to live.
How might we pray for you and your ministry?
- For each Vietnamese Christian to grow in their faith and contribute to the development of God’s kingdom
- For the cultivation of an increased reading culture in Vietnam
- For us to manage the business more efficiently and professionally
- For increased growth towards financial independence
Tran Thi Xuan Thuy is publishing director of Văn Phẩm Hạt Giống (Seed Publications) and winner of the 2023 MAI Robert B. Reekie Global Publisher Award.