Survival Tips for Global Christian Publishers
With the Covid19 crisis pummeling the global economy, how can Christian publishers in the Majority World survive financially and continue serving readers?
Learn how three top Christian publishing leaders, Sinan Sweis of Jordan, Kornel Herjeczki of Hungary and Mark Carpenter of Brazil, are leading their respective publishing teams to navigate today’s turbulent waters:
Sinan Sweis, director of Jabal Amman Publishers in Jordan, will discuss how a digital focus is benefiting the publishing house. His team developed the award-winning Kutubee app, an interactive reading platform for Arabic-speaking parents and children. “We want to bring gold to the hands of our readers,” Sinan says.
Kornel Herjeczki, CEO of Harmat Publishing House in Hungary, will describe how readers have responded positively to an online sales emphasis during this crisis. After the fall of Communism in 1989, Kornel helped establish the IFES-related Hungarian Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Harmat Publishing grew out of the student movement. In 1996 Kornel felt called to leave full-time medical work to become publisher of Harmat, where he has been ever since.
Mark Carpenter, CEO of Editora Mundo Cristão in Brazil, will share how the publisher survived the nation’s pre-pandemic economic downturn and its current survival tactics. He will focus on finance and marketing strategies. Formerly an editor at Tyndale House Publishers, Mark was founding president of the Brazilian Association of Christian Publishers (ASEC). He served as chairman of MAI’s Board.
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Photo above by Edwin Hooper, Unsplash