How to Write Biblical Fiction

You’ll learn how to write biblical fiction in this webinar with award-winning author Mesu Andrews of the USA.

Mesu Andrews’ deep understanding of and love for God’s Word brings the biblical world alive through her bestselling novels. She and her husband, Roy, live in a log cabin snuggled into the beautiful Appalachian Mountains with their dog, Zeke. The Andrews’ have two married daughters and a small tribe of grandkids. Mesu loves movies, football, waterfalls and travel.

Her first novel, Love Amid the Ashes (Revell, 2011, the story of Job) won the 2012 ECPA “Book of the Year for a Debut Author.” Mesu’s other novels include:

  • Love’s Sacred Song (Revell, 2012) relates the poetic Song of Solomon in story form.
  • Love in a Broken Vessel (Revell, 2013) sets the story of Hosea and Gomer in biblical Israel.
  • The Shadow of Jezebel (Revell, 2014) displays God’s sovereignty over Jezebel’s daughter, Queen Athaliah.
  • The Pharaoh’s Daughter (Waterbrook/Multnomah, 2015) unveils Moses’ early years.
  • Miriam (Waterbrook/Multnomah, 2016) introduces Yahweh’s prophetess during the ten plagues and the exodus.
  • Isaiah’s Daughter (Waterbrook/Multnomah) introduces readers to the prophet Isaiah’s captivating daughter.
  • By the Waters of Babylon (August 2018) continues the story of the prophets and kings through the exile.
  • Of Fire and Lions (Waterbrook/Multnomah, 2019) tells Daniel’s compelling story.

Discover how to make the biblical world come alive for your readers.

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1 thought on “How to Write Biblical Fiction”

  1. Hello! I’m very interested to find the right instructor who can reveal a good a approach to writing Biblical Fiction. This looks like a good one, but it’s also in the past. Will it be offered again? Is the webinar available for current access? I will await your reply. Thanks.

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