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Ten Key Outcomes of MAI Ministry

MAI-Asia Chair Bernice Lee hugs a participant of our first-ever screenwriting workshop in Asia

In the last 14 months, MAI ministry has yielded these outcomes:

1. Trainings in 22 countries for 370 publishing staff and writers, representing more than 90 different publishing houses

2. Our first-ever screenwriting workshop, involving 10 writers from a closed Asian country

3. Launch of Christian publisher training in Italy in partnership with the Geneva Bible Society

4. Birth of a Christian publishing house in a closed Southeast Asian country through MAI training

5. Conferences for Christian publishers in Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Nigeria and Latin America

6. On-site consulting for publishers in Uganda, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia and Angola

Author Ruba Abassi (right) of Jordan signs her new book for Arab women

7. Writer trainings in Mexico, Myanmar, Egypt and a closed Asian country

8. Release of The Arab Woman: Embracing Her Potential by Jordanian author Ruba Abassi, product of our writer training program in the Middle East.

9. Ten monthly training webinars on publishing-related topics

10. Debut of MAI’s new mobile-friendly website to better serve our global audience:

Read more stories in our MAI 2017 Ministry Review

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